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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 Re : The Clans » Clan Module working? » 04-11-2012 23:03:01

Is anyone else having issues with clan set up?

#2 Re : The Clans » English Clan [MoM] Recruiting » 04-11-2012 22:57:52

hal00 a écrit :


if you have some room for me, plz send an invite. So far I am only lvl9, but hopefully will improve (more or less) rapidly. Thanks.

Thanks for joining Pacific Ocean Tactitians [Pot] hal00, we will look after you.

#3 Re : The Clans » Clan Module working? » 04-11-2012 22:50:56

Just had a friend who isn't in a clan either and has never been try and set up and he is unable to as well????

#4 Re : The Clans » English Speaking Clan » 04-11-2012 22:49:35

Sister clan is on hold while an issue with clan set up is being answered.

#5 The Clans » Clan Module working? » 04-11-2012 22:06:10

Réponses : 2

I set up a clan 3 weeks ago and it has maxed out at 50 members already. I thought I would leave the clan and set up another. Does anyone know why I am unable to set up a new clan?
I have 3000cx as required and fill out all the sections correctly including 3 signatories. When I click 'Ok' a message appears 'An Error Occured'
I would really appreciate some guidance here please.

#6 Re : The Clans » English Speaking Clan » 03-11-2012 15:49:29

The clan is full, please contact in game 'Stephen_Kau' if you wish to join our sister clan being set up this week.

#7 Re : Deck and Strategy » Avalonians, deck change? » 15-10-2012 01:38:13

My original build for avalonians cost approx 150,000 to build with Aez, Ailide and Johan.

Any build involving
-sanctified hammers lvl1@100,000
-sevylath lvl1@150,000 (pretty cheap)

has the deck hitting the 500,000 mark

#8 Re : Deck and Strategy » Avalonians, deck change? » 12-10-2012 05:06:12

I will post a line up as soon as I achieve 50% or better win ratio. You have all given me some great ideas and special thanks to NightmareJoke for putting me in my place. Perhaps Sevylath has a place with avalonians after all...
Still thinking Johan should be in play to make the most of the exta draw of a quest card....

#9 Re : Deck and Strategy » Avalonians, deck change? » 12-10-2012 05:02:45

I just need 1 more hammer and I'm good to go. I am using your build but adding my shields. Found Yslid got hammered down really quickly if not in 1st contact making it 3 on 2 for the rest of the battle.

#10 Re : Deck and Strategy » Avalonians, deck change? » 12-10-2012 03:13:15

300K for 1hammer from the market wtf!!!

Just tried the heal combo. Awe yeah!!!!

#11 Re : Deck and Strategy » Avalonians, deck change? » 12-10-2012 01:27:19

that looks like a good build, where is the attack bonus coming from beside Triumph?
Is the idea to tank Sevylath? Im guessing thats where the nova's come into play?

#12 Re : Deck and Strategy » Avalonians, deck change? » 11-10-2012 16:22:14

Now thats something I can use. I will give it a go. Cheers. Gooo Sevy!!!

#13 Re : Deck and Strategy » Avalonians, deck change? » 11-10-2012 15:10:18

My apologies, i didn't mean to shut down your advice. It was wrong of me. I have just never thought much of Sevylath and feel that even now with the new cards, he is still under powered.
I have A copy of Sevylath and have bought all new cards associated with Avalonians for my collection. I have tried to fit Sevylath in but am finding it hard without steering my whole deck towards a priest build and even then am unsure what the line up would be. I would like to keep it strickly Avalonians.

#14 Re : Deck and Strategy » Avalonians, deck change? » 11-10-2012 13:23:50

Sevylath is lame. I cant see a decent combo besides his new hammer. The advantage with Avalonians is the quest cards. I have been thinking of a build with lightning king, queen of avalonia and johan...

#15 Deck and Strategy » Avalonians, deck change? » 11-10-2012 08:27:33

Réponses : 14

The time has come and avalonians are growing in numbers. I wonder... Are there going to be more cards soon? I ask this cause in my opinion the deck build johan, king and queen are still the best. Does anyone have a new build for the avalonians?

#16 Re : The Clans » How to accept an invitation » 09-10-2012 02:02:17

Im starting to think there is a unfair bias in favour of french players. When clans were introduced, my whole game play reverted back to french. It took me a few days to find how to switch it back without a reply to my questions to service team. In that time, clans were well established and ranking in high levels. Now i read here that players with english are having to revert to french to see clan acceptance buttons? Owesome!!!

#17 The Clans » Pacific Ocean Tactitians, [Pot] are now recruiting » 09-10-2012 00:04:53

Réponses : 1

Come one come all.
Anyone from the pacific region is invited to join this english speaking clan.
We are active, players here for fun. I am promoting it as Pacific players to enable most of our clan to be of similar time regions, to play together but am happy to have anyone who speaks english fly the banner. We are after all a minority in this brilliant game and need to stick together.
If you are interested, please feel free to post on here or seek us out in game.
Cheers and happy gaming,

#18 The Clans » English Speaking Clan » 08-10-2012 23:39:08

Réponses : 5

Are you english speaking?
Haven't got a clan yet?

Well look no further...

Pot or Pacific Ocean Tactitians need YOU!!

Although named Pacific Ocean Tactitians we are seeking any players able to speak english and have a passion or enthusiasm for the game. If you come from the pacific region then that would be even better as then you are playing at roughly the same time as the rest of the clan.
We are a small but active group of players seeking to make full use of the game and the clan bonuses available in the clan store. I had spent some time seeking out a clan of english speakers and when I did I was unable to join there ranks as no one replied to my request. My hope is that as the minority, we english speaking players ban together and become a force to rival the larger teams.

We were established yesterday and are currently recruiting. If anyone is interested please feel free to message me or post on this wall and I will send you an invite.

Thank you for taking time to read my post.
Kind regards,

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