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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 Re : Deck and Strategy » New player need advice » 18-08-2012 11:21:43

so after weeks of playing, i got myself these cards:

I'm going for the mage route, so I'm not using kriss

aby lv3. salem lv4. aly lv1

3 indigestion
3 panic
2 treacherous
3 pickpocket
1 theft

1 tadaa, i hate brawlers, double clay
3 look away

1 anathematize
1 ventriquolism

it's working well so far.. after adding Panic, it's doing better.

what upgrades do u think i should work from now? upgrading alyce? replacing salem for psy? any cards to replace? any suggestion would be greatly appreciated

#2 Re : Deck and Strategy » New player need advice » 12-08-2012 15:56:34

hmm i see... but how about psy vs salem? why most people recommend psy over salem? beside the ability to use blackmail. I thought salem is better because he has a very good turn bonus..

#3 Re : Deck and Strategy » New player need advice » 10-08-2012 15:23:00

So, now i'm saving for an aby. I don't know but people usually recommend psy aby aly. What about salem? Is he bad?

and what does it mean with aly's can play shadow spell without restriction?

#4 Re : Deck and Strategy » New player need advice » 05-08-2012 13:44:17

ty for the input everyone. Right now I'm using Salem lv3 and Psy lv2 because they're cheap. Right now I only use conjuring and haven't got the money for blackmail. Still saving for more panic.

I'm just wondering why alyce lv3 is a lot more expensive than lv1, does it need any expensive card to upgrade? which is better, alyce or aby the devourer?

#5 Deck and Strategy » New player need advice » 05-08-2012 03:29:14

Réponses : 14

hello, I'm new here and I think I'm going to make a zil discard deck.

what key cards do i need to have in order to make a low-mid lvl discard deck? I'm very low in budget right now.

what character cards that I need to use? right now i have a salem and a psy.

ty ^^

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